As some of you may know by now, I'm pulling back from Facebook...I wrote about why HERE...

Maybe give that a read if you want, then come back here. My reasons for stepping back from Facebook are in that article. This email is to let you know about some new stuff I'm doing, and how to keep in touch with me. Of course an easy way to keep up on what I'm doing in a general sense, is just to stay tuned here to my email newsletter. I'll always inform you when I have new things going on. But there are other opportunities too...
A lot of my day-to-day hanging around and interaction is going to be moving to Thirdscribe. For those of you who are familiar with my author blog, that blog is hosted and powered by Thirdscribe is not just for authors, it is for readers as well. And although it has some nice premium services for bloggers, etc., it has a basic free level too. Think of it as a sort of Goodreads, but better. You can join for free and check it out, and participate with me in my new Bunker Club and Forum. And if you ever want to find me there and can't remember the link information, just go to my blog, then look down the left menu. Click where it says "Forum," and you're there. Now, Thirdscribe isn't a Facebook clone. It does away with a lot of the stuff I don't like about Facebook. You can't "like" things and just move on. If you want to interact, you have to comment. Just like the old-school threaded forums. But it is more interactive, which I like. And like I said, it's not just for authors, it's for readers too. You can create your own library of books, talk about books, follow authors and books you like, etc. It's pretty great.
DISCLAIMER: *I am NOT being paid in any way by Thirdscribe for this testimonial. It's just a service I use and enjoy. |