Article by Michael Bunker -BYE BYE FACEBOOK


As some of you may know by now, I'm pulling back from Facebook...

I wrote about why HERE...Maybe give that a read if you want, then come back here. My reasons for stepping back from Facebook are in that article. This email is to let you know about some new stuff I'm doing, and how to keep in touch with me. Of course an easy way to keep up on what I'm doing in a general sense, is just to stay tuned here to my email newsletter. I'll always inform you when I have new things going on. But there are other opportunities too...A lot of my day-to-day hanging around and interaction is going to be moving to Thirdscribe. For those of you who are familiar with my author blog, that blog is hosted and powered by Thirdscribe is not just for authors, it is for readers as well. And although it has some nice premium services for bloggers, etc., it has a basic free level too. Think of it as a sort of Goodreads, but better. You can join for free and check it out, and participate with me in my new Bunker Club and Forum. And if you ever want to find me there and can't remember the link information, just go to my blog, then look down the left menu. Click where it says "Forum," and you're there. Now, Thirdscribe isn't a Facebook clone. It does away with a lot of the stuff I don't like about Facebook. You can't "like" things and just move on. If you want to interact, you have to comment. Just like the old-school threaded forums. But it is more interactive, which I like. And like I said, it's not just for authors, it's for readers too. You can create your own library of books, talk about books, follow authors and books you like, etc. It's pretty great.DISCLAIMER: *I am NOT being paid in any way by Thirdscribe for this testimonial. It's just a service I use and enjoy.

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As you've heard me mention before, you can also follow me, interact, and support the stuff I'm doing through Patreon. Patreon is a fantastic service that allows patrons to support artists and creators that they appreciate. Back in the middle-ages, there weren't a lot of ways for artists and writers to get their content out there. So if you read a lot of autobiographies, biographies, etc., you'll learn that a lot of writers and artists we consider the masters today, had patrons. Patrons were usually (back then,) rich people who could afford to support an author, musician, or artist who otherwise wouldn't be able to focus on their creative content. People like Mozart, Davinci, Tolstoy, and Thomas Hardy had patrons. Ernest Hemingway and Ezra Pound worked raising donations from other artists and those who supported artists in order to raise money to support T.S. Eliot and "get him out of the bank." Eliot was working in Lloyd's Bank and didn't have enough time to write poetry. So this kind of patronage has a long history. Anyway, if you want to, you can join and support my work through Patreon.
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I'm currently working on two new website/blogs that will help me specialize content specifically for those who want it. The first new website/blog will be a homesteading/off-grid/non-electric-living/preparedness blog for those who are interested in that, and will provide access to a new high-level newsletter with expert information on those sorts of topics. More information on that as it comes to fruition.
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18 Things Men Said After Sex That Made Women Immediately Regret Their Decision To Sleep With Them

"Whoopsie daisy!"

Hello and welcome to another episode of, "The trials and tribulations of being a straight woman." Today, we're discussing the downsides of hetero sex.

Rockstar Games

Reddit user u/Pity-Pinoy broached an important topic when they asked women on the platform to share "the dumbest thing" a guy has ever said to them after sex. Here are the most gobsmacking replies:

1. "I have a tattoo of the world on my back. This guy was banging me doggy style and pulled out to cum on my back. He then exclaimed, 'Woah, there’s a tsunami in Australia!' I fell on my face laughing so hard."


2. "He said. 'Alexa, play You’re welcome,' and the speakers from each side of his bed began to serenade us with Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s voice as Maui from Moana. Luckily we both got a pretty good laugh out of it."


3. "I gave a dude a blowjob and apparently he’d never cum from one before (who knows if that was true). Anyway, after he goes, 'Oh my god. That was amazing. I thought there was something wrong with me. You need to have daughters.'"


4. "After he finished too quickly he said, 'Whoopsie daisy!'"


5. "He told me, with all the sincerity in the world, 'You would make a great single mother.'"


6. "I've said a lot of stupid shit. The worst was probably, 'Do you like egg sandwiches?'"


7. “He said, 'Mind if I hit this?' and then he pulled out a vape pen he’d hidden under the bed. My bed. Specifically for this reason."


8. "I had sex with a guy I dated for a few months and afterwards he said, 'Your vagina is smaller than other vaginas I’ve had sex with.' I wasn’t sure if it was a compliment, criticism, or a mere observation."


9. "I was snuggling with my boyfriend in the afterglow and I looked up at him and asked, 'What are you thinking about?' — thinking he would say something sweet. This bitch deadass looks down at me and says, 'Mud flaps.'"

10. "'Hey, don't tell anyone about last night. I get enough shit for being vegan.' A phrase that has stuck with me for 10+ years. Not so much 'dumb' as it is cruel."


11. "'Okay are we done?' I guess he was too afraid to ask whether or not I came and that was his way of doing it."


12. "He didn’t say it, but afterwards he grabbed his phone and went on a tracking app and tracked that he had sex that day."


13. "Cuddling in the afterglow, he's gazing adoringly at my nude body, and whispers...'I've just never seen boobs as small as yours.'"

14. "My partner will sometimes slap my ass afterwards and say, 'Good game!'"


15. "Dude tried to give me a compliment by saying I have 'plump pussy lips.' Dude did not realize that was borderline weird to say."


16. "I was cuddling a guy after sex one time and he told me he was 'leaking testosterone all over me.'"


17. "After sex, my guy collapsed on top of me. When he pulled back, our sweaty chests somehow made a small suction squelch noise. His romantic next words? 'Hehehe boob farts.'"

18. And finally, "I think I miss my ex."


Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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  • 2 hours ago
    Some of these were actually funny. The best sex does actually involve laughter sometimes.
  • 2 hours ago
    My husband and I will get intense and say the "I love you" after and all that, but sometimes, man, we just have a laugh. One of our favorites after we're spent is "good night," and it's like, 3 in the afternoon. Or we open the door and say "who's the pervert?" We have 2 cats and a...
  • 1 hour ago
    The whoopsie daisy one was endearing. Better than some of the garbage guys say